Kan mijn proeflicentie worden verlengd?

Timo Inglin
Timo Inglin

Gemaakt: 29.08.2018 1:03 - Bijgewerkt: 09.01.2019 2:22

PaperOffice automatically activates a regular, unrestricted license during the first installation, which is valid for 14 days .

In order to test PaperOffice over a longer period of time, you can create a new empty database at any time, connect your user account to this and PaperOffice will generate a new 14-day test license.

To do this, you must first disconnect your user account from the existing database. To do this, click on the left icon labeled "Database", as shown in the following image:

Select test period database

And click as the next step on the button "Disconnect the database connection" in the right area.

Test period disconnect database

You will now be forwarded to the following step, where you have to confirm the disconnection by clicking on "Disconnect the database connection".

Test period separate database from options

If you want to test PaperOffice for a longer time and with the same database, you can apply for a test version for up to 6 months. Apart from the monthly PaperOffice PLUS and PaperOffice SLA , there are no costs. PaperOffice SLA support services are even reduced in costs by 50%.

Helpful website entry on this: Recommended start with PaperOffice

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